Leading the industry In Creative
Visual Merchandising Solutions!

Linda L. Paccia Costa  508-272-0375  linda@ L2pdesigns.com


                        Visual Merchandising &

Trade Show Design


About Us

L2P designs is a worldwide service business offering visual merchandising solutions to help companies communicate their marketing message to their consumers in a consistent and visual pleasing presentation in retail stores and at trade shows. L2P designs was launched by Linda L. Paccia in 1998. L2P designs specializes in, but is not limited to the apparel, footwear, giftwear, and the sporting good industries.


L2P designs has several advantages that contributes to its success. Linda L. Paccia Costa the Owner and Visual Merchandising Designer has 18 years of visual merchandising experience in retail and trade show environments. She also has 4 years of teaching experience at Mount Ida College where she taught Visual Merchandising & Marketing Fashion: Advertising and Promotion courses, along with producing the Annual Fashion Show.


Paccia Costa's experience has shown a definite need to outsourcing visual merchandising projects. In today's era, companies are having to downsize to keep their overhead cost down, but they still need to maintain their visual image to increase sales. By developing an outsourcing arrangement with L2P designs they can set a solid foundation in the beginning and then just enhance thereafter. If outsourcing is not for you arrangements can be made for a F/T contract or F/T employee position with Linda. It is all about what works best for the client!

Knowing what the company stands for and portraying that through a consistent image is what successful marketing is all about. L2P designs can successfully establish that for your company.


Call us today to discuss your next store opening, trade show or event.

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